False Claims Act

Hospice of Ariz to Pay $12M for Medicare Fraud; Whistleblower to get $1.8M

March 20, 2013

Hospice of Arizona, L.C., American Hospice Management LLC, and American Hospice Management Holdings LLC, have agreed to pay $12 million to resolve allegations that they violated the False Claims Act by knowingly defrauding Medicare, the Department of Justice announced today.

Hospice of Arizona and its related entities allegedly engaged in practices that resulted in the admission of ineligible patients, inflated medical bills, and delayed and discouraged staff from discharging patients no longer eligible for hospice care.  As part of the settlement, American Hospice Management Holdings has agreed to enter a corporate integrity agreement with the Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services that provides for procedures and reviews to be put in place to avoid and promptly detect similar misconduct.

Medicare hospice benefits are available to patients with a life expectancy of six months or fewer; these patients do not receive care intended to treat or stop their illnesses, and instead receive medical care focused on providing them with relief from the symptoms, pain, and stress of a terminal illness.

The allegations arose from a lawsuit filed by former Hospice of Arizona employee Ellen Momeyer, under the qui tam, or whistleblower, provisions of the False Claims Act.  The False Claims Act allows private citizens to bring suit on behalf of the United States and share in any recovery.  Momeyer will receive $1.8 million.

The Chanler Group, in association with the Hirst Law Group, represents whistleblowers who take action under the False Claims Act to report fraud committed against the federal and state governments.  We have years of experience representing whistleblower clients who expose every kind of fraud against the government, including health care fraud, contract fraud, and tax fraud.  Read more about our expertise in False Claims Act cases and how you can take action.

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False Claims Act Is Taxpayers' Best Tool to Recoup Funds Lost Through Fraud on Govt

January 31, 2012

The U.S. Department of Justice celebrated the 25th anniversary of the 1986 amendments to the False Claims Act today.  The False Claims Act has been called the single most important tool that American taxpayers have to recover funds when false claims are made to the federal government, including health care fraud, mortgage fraud, and procurement fraud.     

“In the last quarter century, the False Claims Act’s success has been unparalleled with more than $30 billion dollars recovered since it was amended in 1986 and $8.8 billion since January 2009,” said Attorney General Eric Holder.  “In these challenging economic times when resources are scarce, government budgets are being tightened and so many Americans are forced to do more with less, the need to act as sound stewards of every taxpayer dollar has never been more clear or more urgent.  The Department of Justice has achieved record recoveries in recent years and we will continue to aggressively pursue those who would take advantage of their fellow citizens.”

The False Claims Act was originally passed by Congress during the administration of President Abraham Lincoln in 1863 to help the government recover federal funds stolen through fraud by U.S. government contractors.   During the Civil War, the law was used to recover monies from unscrupulous contractors who sold the Union Army decrepit horses and mules in ill health, faulty rifles and ammunition, and rancid rations and provisions.

In 1986, Congress amended the False Claims Act to permit the government to seek treble damages and revised the statute’s qui tam, or whistleblower, provisions to increase the incentives for whistleblowers to come forward with allegations of fraud.   Since those changes were enacted, the Justice Department has recovered more than $30 billion under the act.

The Chanler Group, in association with the Hirst Law Group, represents whistleblowers who take action under the False Claims Act to report fraud committed against the federal and state governments.  We have years of experience representing whistleblower clients who expose every kind of fraud against the government, including health care fraud, contract fraud, and tax fraud.  Read more about our expertise in False Claims Act cases and how you can take action.

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Nursing Home Manager to Pay $2.7M for Medicare Fraud, $405K to Whistleblower

March 12, 2013

Tennessee-based Grace Healthcare LLC and its affiliate Grace Ancillary Services LLC (collectively, Grace) have agreed to pay $2.7 million to settle allegations that they knowingly submitted false claims to the Medicare and TennCare/Medicaid programs for unnecessary rehabilitation therapy, the Department of Justice announced last week.

The suit alleged that from 2007 to 2011, Grace pressured therapists in ten of its nursing homes to meet targets for Medicare revenue regardless of patients' individual therapy needs.  This resulted in patients being billed for large amounts of unnecessary rehabilitation and therapy, which were then paid for by Medicare.  As part of the settlement, Grace has agreed to procedures and reviews to be put in place in order to prevent future similar conduct.

The suit was originally filed by an unnamed former Grace employee under the qui tam, or whistleblower, provisions of the False Claims Act.  The False Claims Act allows private citizens to bring suit on behalf of the government and share in the recovery.  The whistleblower in this case will receive $405,000.  The Justice Department has recovered $10.2 billion in healthcare fraud cases since January 2009.  The Justice Department’s total recoveries in False Claims Act cases since January 2009 are over $14 billion.

The Chanler Group, in association with the Hirst Law Group, represents whistleblowers who take action under the False Claims Act to report fraud committed against the federal and state governments.  We have years of experience representing whistleblower clients who expose every kind of fraud against the government, including health care fraud, contract fraud, and tax fraud.  Read more about our expertise in False Claims Act cases and how you can take action.

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CHG, Parent to Pay $18.5M for Time Card Fraud, Guilty Whistleblower Gets Nothing

March 11, 2013

Colorado-based CH2M Hill Hanford Group (CHG) and its parent company CH2M Hill Companies Ltd. (CH2M Hill) admitted to criminal conduct when CHG engaged in years of widespread time card fraud  on the U.S. Department of Energy. Between 1999 and 2008, CH2M Hill had a federal contract to manage and clean 177 large underground storage tanks containing mixed radioactive and hazardous waste at the Department of Energy’s Hanford Nuclear Site in southeastern Washington. The Hanford Site was used for the production of nuclear weapons during World War II and the Cold War. CHG hourly employees involved in the cleanup routinely overstated the number of hours they worked,  and CHG management not only condoned the practice---submitting inflated claims to the Department of Energy that included the fraudulently claimed hours--but certain supervisors engaged in patterns designed to avoid the detection of the routine time card fraud by law enforcement and internal auditors.  So far, eight individuals have pleaded guilty to the fraud scheme and conspiracy.

CH2M Hill will pay $16.5 million to resolve its civil liability under the False Claims Act, refund an additional $1.95 million in wrongfully obtained profits, dedicate $500,000 to increasing accountability at the Hanford site, and pay for independent monitoring.  The allegations were originally brought under the qui tam, or whistleblower, provisions of the False Claims Act by Carl Schroeder, a former employee of CH2M Hill, and one of those to plead guilty to the scheme.  Under the False Claims Act, private citizens can sue on behalf of the United States and share in the recovery.   The act, however, bars whistleblowers from recovering if they were convicted based on their role in the scheme.  Thus, Schroeder will not receive any share of the recovery.

The Chanler Group, in association with the Hirst Law Group, represents whistleblowers who take action under the False Claims Act to report fraud committed against the federal and state governments.  We have years of experience representing whistleblower clients who expose every kind of fraud against the government, including health care fraud, contract fraud, and tax fraud.  Read more about our expertise in False Claims Act cases and how you can take action.

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Corning to Pay $5.65M for False Claims, Whistleblower to Get $904K

March 9, 2013

New York-based Corning Incorporated has agreed to pay $5.65 million to the U.S. government to resolve allegations that it knowingly presented false claims for laboratory research products it sold to federal agencies through its Life Sciences division.

In 2005, Corning entered a contract to sell laboratory research products to the federal government through a program that provided authorized purchasers with a streamlined procurement process for commonly used goods and services.  The suit alleged that Corning knowingly failed to fulfill its contractual obligation to provide the program with information about its discounts to other customers and made false statements about its sales practices, leading to the government receiving lower discounts and paying more for Corning products than it should have.

The suit was brought under the qui tam, or whistleblower, provisions of the False Claims Act, which allows private citizens to bring suit for false claims on behalf of the government and share in the recovery.  Kevin Jones, a former Corning Life Sciences sales representative, will receive $904,000 as his share of the settlement.

The Chanler Group, in association with the Hirst Law Group, represents whistleblowers who take action under the False Claims Act to report fraud committed against the federal and state governments.  We have years of experience representing whistleblower clients who expose every kind of fraud against the government, including health care fraud, contract fraud, and tax fraud.  Read more about our expertise in False Claims Act cases and how you can take action.

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Illinois Nursing Home to Pay $29 Million Penalty for False Claims Act Violations

February 11, 2013

A jury ordered a nursing home in Illinois to pay a total of $29 million in penalties for false Medicare claims to the government.  Two former employees at the facility filed a complaint that the home allegedly destroyed and/or forged records to make it appear that residents were receiving appropriate care and medications, while residents allegedly went without food or medication, developed bedsores and scabies, and were left to lie in their own waste.  The jury found that the government suffered losses of over $3 million due to the submission of over 1,700 false Medicare claims and awarded the maximum penalty of $11,000 for each false claim.  The two whistleblowers received $400,000.

The Chanler Group, in association with the Hirst Law Group, represents whistleblowers who take action under the False Claims Act to report fraud committed against the federal and state governments.  We have years of experience representing whistleblower clients who uncover fraud of every kind perpetrated against our government, including health care fraud, contract fraud, and tax fraud.  Read more about our expertise in False Claims Act cases and how you can take action.

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CIA Contractors to Pay $3M Settlement, Whistleblower to Get $585K

March 8, 2013

American Systems Corporation, Anixter International Inc., and Corning Cable Systems LLC have agreed to pay the U.S. government $3 million to settle allegations that they violated the False Claims Act and the Anti-Kickback Act while bidding on a contract with the CIA, the U.S. Justice Department announced today.  The United States alleged that the three companies provided CIA employees and outside consultants with meals, entertainment, sporting tickets, and other gifts and gratuities while bidding on a contract to provide the CIA with supplies and services.

Anixter sales representative William Jones first initiated the lawsuit under the qui tam, or whistleblower, provisions of the federal False Claims Act.  The False Claims Act allows private citizens with knowledge of fraud or false claims to sue on behalf of the government and share up to 30% of the recovery obtained by the government.  Jones will receive $585,000 as his share in this settlement.

The Chanler Group, in association with the Hirst Law Group, represents whistleblowers who take action under the False Claims Act to report fraud committed against the federal and state governments.  We have years of experience representing whistleblower clients who expose every kind of fraud perpetrated against the government including health care fraud, contract fraud, and tax fraud.  Read more about our expertise in False Claims Act cases and how you can take action.

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Healthpoint to Pay up to $48 Million for False Medicare and Medicaid Claims

December 6, 2012

Healthpoint Ltd. and DFB Pharmaceuticals have agreed to pay up to $48 million to resolve allegations that Healthpoint caused false claims to be submitted to Medicare and Medicaid programs for a non-FDA approved skin ointment, Xenaderm.  The U.S. Department of Justice alleges that Healthpoint misrepresented Xenaderm’s regulatory status in its government reports and knowingly caused false claims to be submitted for the product.

The lawsuit was brought under the qui tam, or whistleblower, provisions of the False Claims Act, which allow private parties with knowledge of fraud to sue on behalf of the United States and share in any recovery.   This settlement is part of a series of recoveries totaling over $100 million from manufacturers of unapproved drugs.   The relator, or whistleblower, Ms. Constance Conrad, is eligible to recover 15% to 30% of the settlement, however, an agreement between the government and Ms. Conrand regarding her award has not been reached yet.

The Chanler Group, in association with the Hirst Law Group, represents whistleblowers who take action under the False Claims Act to report fraud committed against the federal and state governments.  We have years of experience representing whistleblower clients who uncover fraud of every kind perpetrated against our government including, health care fraud, contract fraud, and tax fraud.  Read more about our expertise in False Claims Act cases and how you can take action.

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IRS Reports Record $125 Million Paid To Whistleblowers in 2012

February 20, 2013

The Internal Revenue Service released its Fiscal Year 2012 Report to Congress, which details awards paid to whistleblowers under the Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006.  The whistleblower award program generally requires the IRS to pay awards if information an individual provides substantially contributes to the collection of tax, penalties, interest, and other amounts when the amounts in dispute are more than $2,000,000.  Awards are based on percentages of the collected proceeds.   According to the report, the IRS collected $592.5 million from the program, including 12 collections of more than $2 million, and paid 128 awards totaling $125.4 million.

The Chanler Group, in association with the Hirst Law Group, represents whistleblowers who take action under the False Claims Act to report fraud committed against the federal and state governments.  We have years of experience representing whistleblower clients who uncover fraud of every kind perpetrated against our government including, health care fraud, contract fraud, and tax fraud.  Read more about our expertise in False Claims Act cases and how you can take action.

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OSHA Issues Rule Re: Whistleblower Protection Under Obamacare

February 28, 2013

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor today issued the interim final regulations governing the employee protection (whistleblower) provision of section 1558 of the Affordable Care Act--also known as Obamacare--which added section 18C of the Fair Labor Standards Act, to provide protections to employees of health insurance issuers or other employers who may have been subject to retaliation for reporting potential violations of the law’s consumer protections (such as the prohibition on denials of insurance due to pre-existing conditions) or affordability assistance provisions (such as access to health insurance premium tax credits).  Read the Interim Final Rule.

The Chanler Group, in association with the Hirst Law Group, represents whistleblowers who take action under the False Claims Act to report fraud committed against the federal and state governments.  We have years of experience representing whistleblower clients who uncover fraud of every kind perpetrated against our government including, health care fraud, contract fraud, and tax fraud.  Read more about our expertise in False Claims Act cases and how you can take action.

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