The Chanler Group and its affiliated qui tam attorneys have successfully prosecuted more qui tam lawsuits, under the FCA and other qui tam, or whistleblower statutes, than any other law firm in the United States. Through its unparalleled qui tam lawsuit investigative staff, which is likely among the largest and most qualified of any private law firm in the country, The Chanler Group is able to provide its clients with exceptional representation in qui tam lawsuits. Under the qui tam, or whistleblower provisions of the U.S. and California False Claims Acts, a private citizen with knowledge of fraud can sue on behalf of the government and claim a share in the recovery. Many state and federal probes into Medicare and Medicaid fraud, and government contract fraud are initiated by qui tam lawsuits or whistleblower complaints.
Cliff Chanler, founder of The Chanler Group, in association with Michael Hirst, founder of Hirst Law Group, P.C., have successfully represented qui tam clients in state and federal whistleblower cases involving a wide range of frauds against the government. The attorneys have been instrumental in recovering hundreds of millions of dollars in qui tam prosecutions, including cases involving health care fraud, contract fraud, and virtually every other kind of whistleblower case. Notably, Mr. Hirst a former federal prosecutor and supervising prosecutor of qui tam lawsuits for 15 years was the lead attorney in the FCA case against Redding Medical Center and Tenet Healthcare, Inc., which resulted in a record-setting $62.55 million recovery, the largest against a single hospital in US history. One thing is certain; The Chanler Group has a proven track record of success when it comes to qui tam lawsuits and the experience to prove it.