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In response to increasing and overwhelming evidence that decorations appearing on the exterior surfaces of ceramicware and glassware (and in some instances inside the vessel) contain detectable levels of lead and cadmium, The Chanler Group client, Russell Brimer, initiated enforcement actions...

firm casework - enforcement

April 29, 2008
Cadmium, Lead
Consent Judgment
In the enforcement action Brimer v. Royal Doulton USA, Inc., et al., the Honorable Nancy L. Davis approved a Consent Judgment on December 20, 2007.  The Consent Judgment included an opt-in program which provided citizen enforcer Russell Brimer with the ability to send 60-Day Notices of Violation to each entity that submitted an Opt-In Stipulation.  On April 29,...
April 4, 2008
Consent Judgment
On April 4, 2008, the San Luis Obispo County Superior Court entered a Consent Judgment in Brimer v. Martin & Weyrich Winery, LLC, which resolved citizen enforcer Russell Brimer's allegations that the defendant Martin & Weyrich Winery, LLC ("Martin & Weyrich") sold wine glasses and other glass beverageware with colored artwork containing lead on...
March 27, 2008
Out-Of-Court Settlement
On March 27, 2008, citizen enforcer Russell Brimer and settling defendant Arctic Circle Enterprises, LLC (formerly Arctic Circle Enterprises, Inc.) ("Arctic") entered into an out-of-court Settlement Agreement, which resolved Brimer's allegations that Arctic sold beverageware with colored artwork or designs containing the heavy metal lead in the State of...
February 15, 2008
Out-Of-Court Settlement
On February 15, 2008, citizen enforcer Jamie Te'o and settling defendant Trudeau Corporation (America) Inc. ("Trudeau") entered into an out-of-court Settlement Agreement, which resolved Te'o's allegations that Trudeau sold glassware with colored artwork or designs on the exterior containing the heavy metal lead in the State of California without...
January 10, 2008
Consent Judgment
On January 10, 2008, the Santa Clara County Superior Court entered a Consent Judgment in Brimer v. McLaughlin Supermarket; Story Supermarket, which resolved citizen enforcer Russell Brimer's allegations that defendants McLaughlin Supermarket and Story Supermarket (collectively "McLaughlin") distributed and/or sold shot glasses and other glassware and mugs...
January 9, 2008
Out-Of-Court Settlement
Citizen enforcer Whitney R. Leeman, Ph.D. and settling party Turner Retail, Inc. (“Turner”) entered into an out-of-court Settlement Agreement on January 9, 2008, resolving Leeman’s allegations that Turner sold glassware and ceramicware with colored artwork containing the heavy metal lead on the exterior in the State of California without providing the...
December 28, 2007
Consent Judgment
The San Francisco County Superior County entered a Consent Judgment in Brimer v. Whole Foods Market, Inc., et al. on December 28, 2007. In this enforcement action, citizen enforcer Russell Brimer alleged that defendants Whole Foods Market, California, Inc., Whole Foods Market, Inc., and Herman Dodge & Son, Inc. (collectively "Whole Foods") sold ceramicware...
December 21, 2007
Consent Judgment
Citizen enforcer Russell Brimer's allegations against Raley's, Inc. ("Raley's") were resolved on December 21, 2007, when the Yolo County Superior Court entered a Consent Judgment in Brimer v. Raley's, Inc., et al. In this matter, Brimer alleged that Raley's sold shot glasses, mugs, and other glassware with colored artwork or designs...