PHH to Pay $74M to Resolve Mortgage Lending False Claims; Whistleblower to Get $9M

Posted: 09/15/2017  browse the blog archive
PHH to Pay $74M to Resolve Mortgage Lending False Claims; Whistleblower to Get $9M

PHH Corp., PHH Mortgage Corp. and PHH Home Loans (collectively, PHH) have agreed to pay the United States $74,453,802 to resolve allegations that they violated the False Claims Act by knowingly originating and underwriting mortgage loans insured by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Federal Housing Administration (FHA), guaranteed by the United States Department of Veteran Affairs (VA), and purchased by the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) that did not meet applicable requirements, the Justice Department announced in August.  PHH Corp. and PHH Mortgage Corp. are headquartered in Mount Laurel, New Jersey, while PHH Home Loans is headquartered in Edina, Minnesota.

The settlements resolve allegations that PHH failed to comply with certain Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, VA, and FHA origination, underwriting, and quality control requirements. 

PHH sold mortgage loans to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  Congress created the two entities to provide stability and liquidity in the secondary housing market and established the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) to supervise, regulate, and oversee Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, as well as the Federal Home Loan Bank System. Since 2008, in response to the substantial deterioration in the housing markets that severely damaged Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s financial condition, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have been operating under a government conservatorship. The settlement resolves the United States’ contentions that PHH originated and sold loans to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae that did not meet their requirements. 

In addition, PHH was a VA approved lender, originating and underwriting mortgage loans and obtaining VA loan guarantees.  The VA helps Servicemembers, Veterans, and eligible surviving spouses become homeowners by guaranteeing a portion of home loans.  VA home loans are provided by certain pre-approved private lenders, including banks and mortgage companies.  By guaranteeing a portion of the loan, the VA enables the lender to provide Servicemembers, Veterans, and eligible surviving spouses with loan terms that are more favorable than would otherwise be available in the marketplace.  In order to qualify for a VA guarantee, borrowers must comply with VA loan requirements.  The settlement resolves the United States’ claims and potential claims that PHH originated loans that it submitted for guarantee by the VA that did not meet the VA’s requirements. 

Also, PHH has participated as a Direct Endorsement lender (DEL) in the FHA insurance program.  A DEL has the authority to originate, underwrite, and endorse mortgages for FHA insurance.  If a DEL approves a mortgage loan for FHA insurance and the loan later defaults, the holder of the loan may submit an insurance claim to HUD, FHA’s parent agency, for the losses resulting from the defaulted loan.  Under the DEL program, the FHA does not review a loan before it is endorsed for FHA insurance for compliance with FHA’s credit and eligibility standards, but instead relies on the efforts of the DEL to verify compliance.  DELs are therefore required to follow program rules designed to ensure that they are properly underwriting and certifying mortgages for FHA insurance.

PHH certified for FHA insurance mortgage loans that did not meet HUD underwriting requirements and did not adhere to FHA’s self-reporting requirements. 

As a result of PHH’s conduct and omissions, PHH admitted, HUD insured loans endorsed by PHH that were not eligible for FHA mortgage insurance under the DEL program, and that HUD would not otherwise have insured.  It admitted that HUD subsequently incurred substantial losses when it paid insurance claims on those loans.

Some of the allegations resolved by these settlements were made in a whistleblower lawsuit filed under the False Claims Act by a former employee of PHH, Mary Bozzelli against PHH Corp. and PHH Mortgage Corp.  Under the False Claims Act, private citizens can sue on behalf of the government and share in any recovery.  Ms. Bozzelli will receive $9,067,377.33 from the settlements.

The Chanler Group, in association with the Hirst Law Group, represents whistleblowers who take action under the False Claims Act to report fraud committed against the federal and state governments.  We have years of experience representing whistleblower clients who expose every kind of fraud against the government, including health care fraud, contract fraud, and tax fraud.  Read more about our expertise in False Claims Act cases and how you can take action.