Prop 65 / Environment

January 8, 2014
The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment and the Economy held their fourth hearing on the federal Chemical Safety Improvement Act (CSIA), the long-awaited reform of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).  During a nearly three-hour hearing, representatives from chemical companies, environmental groups, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA...
December 16, 2013
Firm founder Clifford Chanler was interviewed by Corporate Crime Reporter about the firm's work in enforcing Proposition 65 with Chinese manufacturers of American consumer goods, as well as the firm's enforcement work in general. “A factory in China does not make products just for California,” Chanler said. “They make products for the entire United...
January 6, 2014
Several studies have found chemicals and other environmental toxicants in breast milk, the San Francisco Chronicle reported last weekend.  The high fat and protein content in breast milk attracts heavy metals and other contaminants that have been ingested or absorbed into the mother’s body, which are then passed on to their infants. The article referenced one recent...
January 3, 2014
Earlier this year, Gov. Gerald “Jerry” Brown signed into law AB 711, banning lead in hunting ammunition.  Lead is a known carcinogen and reproductive toxin, and is also harmful to the environment and wildlife. According to the Washington Post, there is little doubt that lead poisoning is the main cause of death and illness for the extremely endangered...
December 31, 2013
Russell Brimer and Whitney Leeman--clients of The Chanler Group--served sixteen new 60-Day Notices of Proposition 65 Violation last week.  The notices were served to companies offering products such as hand tools, bags and accessories and musical equipment for sale in California containing chemicals known to cause cancer or reproductive harm, without the required health...
December 26, 2013
A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) study finds that blood mercury levels of women of childbearing age have dropped 34 percent from surveys conducted over 10 years ago. Many people are exposed to mercury in the form of methylmercury often found in fish and shellfish that live in mercury-contaminated water.  Mercury builds up in people that eat fish containing...
December 30, 2013
A new study shows that fetal deaths in Washington, D.C. increased during 2000-2003 and 2007-2009, when the city’s tap water was highly contaminated with lead. Lead is an extremely toxic heavy metal, long known to the State of California to cause birth defects and reproductive harm.  While the study does not prove that the District’s “lead crisis”...
December 20, 2013
Effective today, California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA)  designated the common plasticizer Diisononyl Phthalate as known to cause cancer.   When OEHHA, the state agency responsible for implementing Proposition 65, designates a chemical as known to cause cancer and/or reproductive harm—thus adding the chemical to the State...
December 27, 2013
The majority of public drinking water wells tested on Cape Cod, Mass. are contaminated with pharmaceuticals, consumer product chemicals, and other contaminants, according to a recent report by Silent Spring Institute.  Septic systems are likely the main source of the contamination. Researchers found contaminants in 15 of 20 public wells and two distribution systems....